I know this is a HUGE list of rules, but trust me, most of them are common sense!

Rules on how to request are in the Songlist tab!

Don't try to find a loophole, i will ban even if you aren't breaking any specific rule and i don't owe anyone an explanation, be normal (:

  1. If your message gets deleted / you got timed out, it was probably for a reason, complaining about it further will only make it worse and you'll get banned.
      You are on a free concert you probably didn't pay to listen to, behave accordingly (even if you did pay, having common sense and being kind and understanding is free)

    only in chat!
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      While yes, I know Russian, some of my moderators don't. Same with other languages my mods know, but I am not fluent at. Don't make it harder for all of us.
  3. Don't be annoying / harass mods for doing their job / spam the chat / flood it with emotes / single words / letters, or just type like an AI.
  4. Don't use shaky / flashy emotes. Expand/Collapse Icon

      While you may be fine with seeing a rainbow flashy animated emote, I am not, especially when playing piano, and something rapidly changing colors in the corner of my eye is really irritating and sometimes painful; it's nothing personal towards you / other streamer's emotes, please understand.

  5. Don't be racist, transphobic, sexist, homophobic etc, zero tolerance to any and an instant ban.
  6. No politics, trauma dumping or other heavy topics.
      World is unfair to many of us, let us enjoy the music in peace.
  7. Do not comment on viewer count.
  8. Refrain from commenting about my age or "talent" Expand/Collapse Icon

    • Knowing my age should not change how you see me as a creator.
    • Lookup "talent" - and stop calling every hard working creator "talented". There are many words that can be a much nicer compliment.
    • I, personally, don't see it as a compliment, rather, and undermining of my skills and time spent learning the craft + overcoming body issues
  9. I don't give advice on how to get better at smth / what keyboard you should get - i REALLY do not know! Google instead!
  10. No weird nicknames / flirting / comparing me to random people / characters / just cringe comments. Expand/Collapse Icon

    • Weird nicknames include "mommy", "baby", "honey", "dear" and so on. Repeated breaking of this rule will get you banned (: )
    • This also goes for sexualizing me or other chat members, please, don't make us feel uncomfortable.
    • Touch grass.
  11. Don't self promote in chat, promote other streamers / announce that another streamer is going live / tell about how other streamer is better/worse.
      It comes off rude to announce stuff like this, especially when not asked.
  12. Don't backseat me / ask me to sing / tell me how you think it would sound if you added this or that etc.
  13. If you're banned and wish to appeal it, use Twitch's unban request system.
      Telling how bad me or my mods are / arguing / leaving random words / crying to my business e-mail will not get you unbanned. Shocking, i know.
  14. A lot of moderation is made by maya personally, screaming about unfair mods will get you banned.
      Because if I am that unfair, you can just close the stream and move on. This is my stream.